It Might Be Worse Than You Think-
Auto accident injuries are one of the leading causes of spinal and whiplash injuries. Although many people injured in collisions believe they will feel better in a few days, it is important to know that symptoms may take 72 hours or longer to appear.
If not treated, musculoskeletal injuries can result in permanent injuries and chronic pain. Fortunately, undergoing chiropractic care early on after an accident can relieve the following symptoms, often without the use of pain medications or surgery:
Common work injuries can range from back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, and more. If not treated properly, these injuries can lead to chronic pain. In Washington, your employer has the right to send you to a doctor of their choosing. However, we are more than happy to help you on your way to feeling back to normal. If you have experienced an injury on the job, please call us at 360.805.1555 to see how we can help.
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