Gonstead is one of the most advanced methods of chiropractic care.
At Discover Chiropractic, in addition to other chiropractic techniques, Dr. Kogler practices the Gonstead technique.
Gonstead procedures result from the extensive research done by Clarence S. Gonstead. Unlike other chiropractic techniques which adjust entire areas, the Gonstead method focuses on quick, specific adjustments using a five point criteria:
The Chiropractor uses expert care in visualizing subtle changes in your posture and movement which could indicate problems and discomfort.
The Nervoscope Instrument gently guides down each side of your spine helping to detect uneven distributions of heat which may indicate areas of inflammation and nerve pressure. This feels as gentle as two fingers gliding down each side of your spine.
Static Palpation:
This is the process of feeling your spine in a stationary position. The chiropractor will feel the presence of swelling, tenderness and abnormal texture/tightness in the muscles and tissues of your back.
Motion Palpation:
This is the process of feeling your spine while moving and bending it at different angles to check how easily or difficult the spine moves in various angles.
X-Ray Analysis:
X-rays help the doctor to view the entire structure of the spine and evaluate the degree of misalignments, posture, etc. These are taken in a standing position.
Generally speaking, misaligned vertebrae in the spine area are easily recognized. However, many misalignments are often overlooked. If just certain misaligned areas are adjusted, it will allow for limited, brief relief. By finding the specific area
of misalignment and creating a plan of action and program, lasting results and relief can be had for misaligned vertebrae to return to their normal positions and functions. Every chiropractic case is different and requires a different, tailored care to move the alignments back into proper positions. With assistance from the doctor, you can be on the path to a healthier, happier life!