Spinal problems seen in patients can date back to birth. Even natural birthing methods can stress an infant's spine and developing nerve systems. Colic, breathing problems, nursing difficulties, sleep disturbances, allergic reactions and chronic infections can all be linked back to nervous system stress. Relieving stress on the nervous system can help combat these common difficulties.
As children begin to grow and participate in more activities, there is more potential for spinal injury. Riding a bike, skating, sports, etc can all be cause for spinal misalignments. By checking and correcting any misalignments that are impairing nervous system function and overall body function at an early age, chiropractic care can promote a healthier life and may prevent health complaints later in life.
Here at Discover Chiropractic, Dr. Philip Kogler is certified with ICPA as a Pediatric Chiropractor. If you have any questions regarding your children and chiropractic care, he would be more than happy to answer them for you!
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